Admin :: Proxy Lists
Geschrieben von Silvermoon am 04. April 2008 21:09
The Proxy-White list

This list contains the Proxy-IP's which are allowed to access your site. You can add a complete IP-address (best choice) or an IP-range.

Only the first octet: 123 or 123. (not safe)
The first and second octet: 123.456 or 123.456. (better, but not safe)
The first, second and third octet: 123.456.789 or 123.456.789. (safe)
Complete IP: 123.456.789.0 (most secure, only this IP has access)

Existing IP's can be enabled, disabled or removed.

Screenshot "Proxy-White list"

Die Proxy-Black list

All Proxy-IP's listed her are denied access to your site. Modify in the same way as the Proxy-White list.

Only the first octet: 123 or 123. (Block the whole IP-Pool)
The first and second octet: 123.456 or 123.456. (Block the limited IP-Pool)
The first, second and third octet: 123.456.789 or 123.456.789. (Block a small part of the IP-Pool)
Complete IP: 123.456.789.0 (Block only this Proxy-IP)

Screenshot: "Proxy-Black list"

Translated by MrSimple