BS-Fusion Deutschland

Sicherheit für das Portal

Create new theme
Veröffentlicht am: 11. Juni 2009
Changes in theme.php:

The wztool-Array:
This array controls the display of the tooltips.
The colors have to be written in hexadecimal notation.

$wztool['border_width'] = '1';
$wztool['border_color'] = '#555555';
$wztool['bgcolor'] = '#F1F1F1'; // #FFFFFF
$wztool['width'] = '0';
$wztool['title_padding'] = '2';
$wztool['padding'] = '2';
$wztool['fcolor'] = '#000000';

This is for showing the email address in the registration form, since the e-mail address is displayed as an image (spambot security).
The colors are in RGB style indicated.

// text color
$etext_color = array('223','224','225'); // RGB Colors
// background color
$ebg_color = array('0','0','0'); // RGB Colors

The panel constants:
In the old v6 was it always so that the style in the side_left.php or side_right.php integrated, and we are always on the table structure was tied.
With these constants is the presentation to better adapt its own theme and thus free man in the performing area.

Example:define("LEFT_PANEL_START",'<td width="'.$theme_width_l.'" valign="top" class="side-border-left">');define("LEFT_PANEL_END",'</td>');define("CONTENT_START",'<td class="main-bg" valign="top">');define("CONTENT_END","</td>");define("RIGHT_PANEL_START",'<td width="'.$theme_width_r.'" valign="top" class="side-border-right">');define("RIGHT_PANEL_END","</td>");The following inserted function, was designed for the collapse function.

function stripchar($ord) {
for ($i=0; $iif (($ord[$i] >="A" and $ord[$i] <= "Z") or ($ord[$i] >="a" and $ord[$i] <= "z") ) {
return $boxname;

The forum graphics mustbe in png format, unless you are creating your own design for the forum in the folder themes/templates/new_template/forum/ on the basis of the default templates. Its important that you dont delete the default template, in other ways you have many liberties in your design.
The new template will then of course the main setting in the System Admin to be adjusted.

There are some standard CSS classes, which must be transferred in any case.
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bullet webmaster2001 offline
21.07.2018 - 11:53
Wow - hier scheint ja gar nichts mehr zu laufen. Silvermooooon - lebst du noch? )
bullet mbcowboy offline
19.11.2016 - 22:37
bullet powerrace offline
19.09.2016 - 14:18
Hallo ich suche einen der mir mal sagen kann wie ich einen eventkalender auf meine seite bekomme
bullet Chicko2012 offline
17.03.2016 - 12:37
Mahlzeit an Alle Bin Neu Hier
ig schmeiß mal ne runde Kaffee in die Runde
bullet CobraT0T offline
11.06.2015 - 14:22
läuft ....
bullet CobraT0T offline
11.06.2015 - 14:21
Ihr Leistet echt eine Super arbeit hier... eurer Security System leuft Super... und das kosten los.... Ich & meine Community danken euch dafür....
Gruß Cobra
bullet baerchen offline
24.09.2014 - 10:43
mal alle schnell grüßen
bullet webmaster2001 offline
05.09.2014 - 17:11
Ein Hallo in die Runde!
bullet Darkangel offline
20.05.2013 - 14:28
Hallo super Seite habt ihr hier weiter so :-)
bullet wely offline
28.04.2013 - 20:58